Roselyn Fosuah Adjei
Roselyn Fosuah Adjei is the Director, Climate Change at Ghana’s Forestry Commission and also the National REDD+ Focal Point for Ghana. Roselyn has experience in the development, implementation and management of integrated jurisdictional landscape programs on REDD+. She has successfully led the development of two such jurisdictional programs within the Cocoa-Forest and Shea-Savannah Forest Landscapes to attract international Climate Finance from the Carbon Fund (Ghana is the 3rd Country to have accessed the Carbon Fund) and the Green Climate Fund respectively, to reduce commodity driven deforestation, build ecosystem resilience, enhance local livelihood options, support industry growth and sustainability and consistently but gradually restore lost Forest cover.
For 15 years she has been working on Sustainable Forest management approaches, with a strong focus on building and designing inclusive and transformative Governance, Social and Environmental structures that foster cross sectoral partnerships with local communities and Private sector to contribute pragmatic solutions to halting and reversing deforestation. Within the REDD+ space, Roselyn has both national, regional and global experience having participated in numerous strategic programs with Multi-lateral Organizations, Governments, Civil Society, Local Communities and the Private Sector. She is a member of the UN-REDD Executive Board beginning as an alternate member in 2019.
She has been recognized as a significant contributor to the UK Government led Forest, Agriculture and Commodity Trade (FACT) Dialogue Roadmap launched at COP26 in Glasgow as a Co-Facilitator of the Transparency and Traceability Working Group. She believes that inclusive governance structures backed by Sustainable Finance are key to innovative landscape level approaches that address deforestation and forest degradation and generate tangible Emission Reductions and Removals through Collective Action. She currently manages a portfolio of forest landscape programs with funding support from the FCPF (WB), GCF, UNDP and FAO, that address Climate Change mitigation and adaptation.
Roselyn holds a Master’s Degree in Carbon Management from The University of Edinburgh, Scotland, and a first degree in Natural Resources Management from The Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana.

Board of Directors
The Advisory Board oversees ART’s implementation in accordance with the evolving UNFCCC processes and guarantees good governance, transparent rules, and processes that assure quality and adequate safeguards. ART Advisory Board members have all agreed to the ART Board Charter and the ART Ethical Standard. Advisory Board members serve in their personal capacities, not as representatives of their organizations or of particular stakeholder groups.
ART Advisory Board Meeting Minutes are available to the public.
The ART Secretariat, hosted by Winrock International, is responsible for the operation of the ART program, including the development of The REDD+ Environmental Excellence Standard (TREES) and overseeing the registration, verification and issuance of Board-approved TREES Credits on the ART registry.
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John Verdieck
View bio for Roselyn Fosuah Adjei
Roselyn Fosuah Adjei
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Managing Director
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Associate Director, Policy
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Associate Director, Policy
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Associate Director, Portfolio
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Julia Paltseva
Senior Manager, Technical Engagement
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Ishatu Kadiri
Senior Associate, Policy
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Mikaela Weisse
Senior Manager, Stakeholder Engagement
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Mindy Syfert
Senior Technical Manager