Mary Grady
Executive Director
As ART Executive Director, Mary is responsible for overall operational management of the ART Secretariat, overseeing Board relations, implementation of TREES, operation of the ART registry, and verification and issuance of TREES Credits. She leads strategies to ensure recognition of ART as setting the bar for REDD+ quality through engagement with tropical forest countries, REDD+ donor countries, Civil Society Organizations and corporate credit buyers. Ms. Grady has been active in environmental markets for 30 years including 14 years at Winrock’s American Carbon Registry (ACR), overseeing the issuance of over 200 million ton of verified emissions reductions including 124 million tons of forestry credits. In her current role as Executive Director, she oversees ACR’s respected team of technical and policy experts in the California and ICAO regulated carbon market and the global voluntary carbon market. Upon joining ACR in 2008, Mary developed and implemented a strategy that rebranded ACR and built its reputation as the premium U.S. GHG crediting program. She has contributed to the development and ongoing updates to the ACR Standard, the development of three generations of ACR’s registry platform and led ACR’s strategy for approval as California Offset Project Registry in 2012. She is accredited by the California Air Resources board in Offset Project Registry Operations and Verification. Mary also led the application process and secured approval of both ART and ACR to supply credits to the International Civil Aviation Organization’s Carbon Offsetting Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA). She actively represents Winrock as the head of delegation as an Observer to the UNFCCC and serves as Vice-Chair of the Board of the International Emissions Trading Association (IETA). Prior to working in carbon markets, Mary worked for 16 years in the renewable energy industry including as the Operations Leader of Clipper Windpower and in Brazil as the Director of Kyocera Solar’s pioneering rural electrification program. She holds a Masters in International Business and speaks Portuguese and Spanish. She lives with her family in California.

Board of Directors
The Advisory Board oversees ART’s implementation in accordance with the evolving UNFCCC processes and guarantees good governance, transparent rules, and processes that assure quality and adequate safeguards. ART Advisory Board members have all agreed to the ART Board Charter and the ART Ethical Standard. Advisory Board members serve in their personal capacities, not as representatives of their organizations or of particular stakeholder groups.
ART Advisory Board Meeting Minutes are available to the public.
The ART Secretariat, hosted by Winrock International, is responsible for the operation of the ART program, including the development of The REDD+ Environmental Excellence Standard (TREES) and overseeing the registration, verification and issuance of Board-approved TREES Credits on the ART registry.
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View bio for Mary Grady
Mary Grady
Executive Director
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Mikaela Weisse
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Senior Technical Manager