Edwin Aalders
Edwin Aalders has over 25 years of experience as an assessor and standard developer in environmental policy, auditing and management particularly related to climate change and forestry throughout the world. Mr Aalders has extensive experience with developing climate change strategies and international climate change negotiations, which saw him being involved in the development of programmes such as the ERUPT, EU ETS, CDM/JI, VCS, ANSI ISO 14065 programme and the more recently NAMAs, REDD+, Green Bonds and the CTCN. Mr Aalders has held senior management positions in SGS Climate Change Programme, IETA & the VCS and acted as an elected member of roster of experts for the Methodology & Accreditation Panel Expert of the CDM & JI, member of the JI Accreditation Panel, Pacific Carbon Trust Advisory Panel, ANSI ISO 14065 accreditation steering committee and Verra SD Vista Standard development Committee. Mr Aalders is currently the manager for DNV GL’s group research Climate Change Unit and member of the VCS Programme Advisory Group, AFOLU Steering Committee, W+ Programme Advisory Board, World Bank MAAP review team and the ART/TREES Verification Committee.

Board of Directors
The Advisory Board oversees ART’s implementation in accordance with the evolving UNFCCC processes and guarantees good governance, transparent rules, and processes that assure quality and adequate safeguards. ART Advisory Board members have all agreed to the ART Board Charter and the ART Ethical Standard. Advisory Board members serve in their personal capacities, not as representatives of their organizations or of particular stakeholder groups.
ART Advisory Board Meeting Minutes are available to the public.
The ART Secretariat, hosted by Winrock International, is responsible for the operation of the ART program, including the development of The REDD+ Environmental Excellence Standard (TREES) and overseeing the registration, verification and issuance of Board-approved TREES Credits on the ART registry.
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Julia Paltseva
Senior Manager, Technical Engagement
View bio for Ishatu Kadiri
Ishatu Kadiri
Senior Associate, Policy
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Mikaela Weisse
Senior Manager, Stakeholder Engagement
View bio for Mindy Syfert
Mindy Syfert
Senior Technical Manager